There are many reasons why people try to find a cosmetic dentist. Several people suffer from tooth decay and tooth loss that require cosmetic dental help, like the late singer Whitney Houston, who wore dentures as a result of tooth decay, which possibly developed because of excessive drug use. Wooden teeth were also used to replace missing teeth centuries ago, with the first recorded use in 16th Century Japan. People think that George Washington had wooden teeth, but this is a myth.
Over the years, teeth replacement and dentures have also evolved from using animal teeth and human teeth, to ivory, porcelain, and today, acrylic resin. Dentures and other cosmetic dental dentistry services such as implants, veneers, or teeth whitening are often sought by patients who have decaying, damaged, or missing teeth. These procedures and services provide them with healthier, more natural looking teeth.
Dentists recommend that patients brush twice a day, floss daily, and visit their dentist every 6 months to prevent plaque that can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis and other periodontal diseases. For this reason, many parents send their children to the dentist on a regular basis, and almost 80% of children between the ages of 2 and 17 visited a dentist in 2010. But as these children become adults, they have to continue this regimen, or they might need to find a cosmetic dentist.
They could try to use teeth whitening strips to reverse discolored teeth. If these do not work, they could also seek the help of laser whitening. Americans spend more than $1 billion on teeth whitening products and procedures every year. Veneers can also give patients a bright white smile, and full dental implants can restore the most natural feeling teeth for patients.
The downside is that cosmetic dentistry costs can be extremely high, with dental implant prices reaching almost $4,000 per tooth. But there are cosmetic and family dentistry clinics that will work with a patient to create a payment plan, and patients can also look online for grants to help them subsidize the dental work they need.
So if you are concerned about fixing your teeth, do not worry. There are many different cosmetic dental procedures out there, and one of them will undoubtedly be right for you. Learn more.