This video discusses dental implants and the two-stage method that some practitioners use to provide their clients with the implants.
The first step in the two-stage process is the dentist raises a flap to expose the bone. He or she then drills the bone to prepare it for the fixture that needs to go inside of it.
The specialist then places the implant fixture inside the hole and covers it with a cover screw. The cover screw is a very thin screw that covers only the opening of the implant. The practitioner repositions the flap over the implant and sutures it into place.
The patient then needs to wait a certain amount of healing time. After the time passes, the dentist removes the flap and the cover screw to replace it with a healing cap.
He or she then positions the tissues around the healing cap and allows the area to heal. The patient then needs to wait for a certain amount of healing time again.
Finally, the dentist removes the cap and replaces it with the crown base and the implant crown. The result is an amazingly realistic implant that helps support the person’s bite.
Dental implants are beneficial for people facing tooth loss issues from illness or injury. Call your local dentist today to learn more!