Looking Behind The Importance Of Your Teeth

Looking Behind The Importance Of Your Teeth

The care and keeping of your teeth should start at a young age. Ideally, brushing should begin (using just water) as soon as the first teeth pop through the surface. In toddlerhood, toothpaste can be introduced, though some dentists recommend waiting for the two year mark to introduce toothpaste with fluoride in it. Brushing twice…

4 Signs You Need to Go to an Emergency Dentist Right Away

It is important to understand which injuries require visiting an emergency dentist in order to ensure you have the healthiest smile possible! Many patients forget that their teeth are just as important as any other bone in their body, so it is crucial they are seen by a medical professional the moment they sustain any…

Keep Your Child’s Smile Bright

Parents know that, at one time or another, your kid is most definitely going to come down with a cold or get a scrapped knee that needs a bandage. However, once aspect of children’s health that often gets overlooked is practicing good oral health. It is more important than most are aware to provide dental…

Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist

Good orthodontic treatment aims to make sure your teeth are well aligned and that you have a proper bite, but there are obvious aesthetic advantages that merge well with cosmetic dentistry. Adults make up about 30 percent of all orthodontic patients in the U.S., including a cross section of patients investigating procedures like cosmetic veneers…