Many kids have a fear of the dentist. As a parent, one of your most essential jobs is to quell that fear and teach your child the importance of regular dental visits. This will set them up for success later in life and could prevent serious tooth and mouth problems in the future. When choosing…
All posts in February 2022

Step-by-Step Guide to Two-Step Dental Implants
Video Source This video discusses dental implants and the two-stage method that some practitioners use to provide their clients with the implants. The first step in the two-stage process is the dentist raises a flap to expose the bone. He or she then drills the bone to prepare it for the fixture that needs to…

What is a Dermal Filler?
What exactly is a dermal filler? Read on to learn about the purpose of a dermal filler and the benefits that one can provide. A dermal filler is used to counteract the process of fragmenting collagen. When collagen is fragmented it results in the loss of mechanical tension and a decrease in collagen production. Collagen…