You necessary don’t have to know everything about dental formula to establish your career in the dental industry. All you have to do is join a dental college and get hands-on dental training. Schools through the country have accelerated programs to enable students to get started in this career.
Becoming a dental assistant is quite a journey that will expose you to some responsibilities. You will learn skills like;
- Communication– As a dental assistant, it means you will spend most of your day interacting with colleagues and clients. Therefore, effective communication is imperative. You will get skills on how to communicate effectively with staff, suppliers, clients, and visitors.
- Taking a Dental X-Ray– If you want to specialize in radiography, you will get trained on how to operate a machine effectively. This includes how to adjust the controls for exposure time and voltage, and adjusting the X-ray machine for proper exposure.
- Assisting with Oral Health Procedure – After getting hands-on dental training, you will be in a position to assist a dental hygienist or dentist in preparing the dental surgery equipment and materials necessary for oral healthcare procedures.
- Applying First Aid – Being a dental assistant, it means you will work within a clinical environment. Therefore, you must be in a position to perform basic life support skills.
- Work Management– A dental assistant, is a highly, multi-skilled member of the dental team. He or she can perform administrative tasks, schedule appointments, complete clinical tasks, and meet with clients.
5 Benefits of Dental Assistant Training
You’re likely to benefit from some or all of the following benefits:
1. It Takes a Short Period
Hands-on dental training takes between nine months to one year. If you feel like a 4-year college course is not right for you, then you can enroll in a dental assistant program. Dental assistants receive formal training through academic programs at vocational schools, universities, technical institutes, community colleges, or dental schools. Although the course takes a relatively short period, some schools offer long-distance training, accelerated training, or part-time education programs.
2. Availability of Full-Time Positions
Pursuing a dental assistant course will open an array of job opportunities. According to a 2017 survey conducted by Occupational Employment Statistics, approximately 7,030 dental assistants were employed in Arizona. Also, dentistry is one of the top 10 most-valued professions in the United States. It shows there is a high demand for Dental assistants. You’re, therefore, sure of getting a job opportunity almost after getting your certification.
3. A Positive Job Outlook
When you’re choosing a new career, it’s advisable to check the job outlook for your preferred field. You must study the career growth, current and future job opportunities, and salary remuneration. With hands-on dental training, you have an assurance of career growth. This is because according to the
Dentists will keep on hiring dental assistants to perform some tasks, giving the dentist ample time to work efficiently.
4. Excellent Working Conditions
Have you ever spent hours in a hot and messy kitchen area? Or working outdoor under the scorching heat of summer? Then you would appreciate working indoors, in a serene environment. You will enjoy working alongside experts. Dental offices are excellent places for positive interaction between staff and patients.
Working indoor will enable you to experience an organized, comfortable, and clean environment that will remind you of a great career path you chose. Dental offices are also quiet, tidy, and well-lit.
5. Excellent Opportunities
Hands-on dental training will expose you to other great career paths. By undertaking dental assistant training courses, you will have a better opportunity to further your knowledge and become a dentist or dental hygienist. You can also get employed in a dental school clinic or work towards becoming an office manager.
If you’re considering a career in the dental field, ensure you take time in choosing the best school where you will get practical dental assistant training . Ensure you select an accredited dental college, conveniently located and with flexible training hours that will fit into your tight schedule.